Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  8th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:48am (UTC)
(by Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(8th Series)
            Although the Esoteric Knowledge has wide background about the Holy Trinity, facts about it remain vague among most among most believers because only a very few can understand it owing to the fact that only those entrusted with the Message of God that can authoritatively give the right explanation. The Holy Trinity occupies the number 22nd, 23rd and 24th Spiritual Division.
            22. MAGUGAB. – This spirit represents as god Father. According to some believers, he is the first person in the Holy Trinity. But as god Father, it does not mean that he is the Infinite God. He was the one who was given the right and authority to represent as God the Father. He was the one who was given the task to make the design of the earth that will be created, including everything that the earth will produce like many kinds of living beings (crawling, swimming, flying), plants and above all human beings, and many others which looked pleasing to Him. The Hidden Knowledge reveals that Adan and Eve were not the only ones made by God at that time. There were many others of different colors and race. The present time can prove this. Bible History tells that Adam and Eve are of brown race. In the present time, there are five different colors of human race in the whole world. They are the red people who are the Indians, the yellow who are the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and their neighboring countries, the black who are the Negroes and in the Philippines there are black people like the Kungking who are the natives in the Province of Surigao, the whites who are the Americans, and the Filipinos who resemble the brown color of Adam and Eve.
            23. MARIAGOB. – This spirit stands as the 2nd person in the Holy Trinity. He holds the full power of God the Son which through his power the mysteries and fulfillment of the tasks and missions of the Lord Jesus Christ were made possible. He is the spirit which, through insertion, dwells in the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ to save all the believers and all who accept Him. Man’s body is lifeless without the spirit that dwells in it, and once the spirit leaves, the body dies.
            The particular spirit mentioned herein is the one that inserts the body of every person entrusted with the messages and words of Infinite God. In the old days those persons were called “Lamb of God.” It should be noted that for every specific period of time there is a faithful person who is called / chosen / appointed / anointed, has the power to work wonders and miracles or to heal diseases or to speak in strange tongues, proclaiming the truth by order of God, and to be exact, to be made “Lamb of God”. However, most of them are not accepted or believed in. Example of this Jesus Christ. During his missionary time/period. He was prosecuted and only very few people believed in Him. And now, He is worshiped by every Christian.
            According to the word index in the Holy Bible, this is what we gather: “THE WORD CHRIST IS A GREEK WORD WHICH MEANS “ANOINTED” EQUIVALENT TO “MESSIAH” IN HEBREW LANGUAGE. ANOINTED PERSON IS HE WHO IS PUT IN A SPECIFIC TASK OR MISSION. JESUS CHRIST WAS CALLED CHRIST BECAUSE HE WAS CHOSEN BY GOD TO BECOME LORD AND SAVIOUR.” Owing to this, it is proven that Christ is not only one, because the Holy Bible itself says that there are others who are entrusted with the Message of God. In Acts 7:35 of the Holy Bible, we read: “MOSES IS THE ONE REJECTED BY THE PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAID, ‘WHO MADE YOU RULER AND JUDGE OVER US?” “BUT DEFINITELY IT WAS THIS SAME MOISES WHO WAS PUT AS RULER AND SAVIOUR, THROUGH THE HELP OF AN ANGEL WHO SPOKE TO HIM.” In this regard, Moses was also Christ because it is written that he is Messiah and Savior also. Aside from Moses, there are more others like King David, King Solomon, Samson, Abraham, etc.
            Under John 1:18 of the Holy Bible, we read: “NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN GOD. THE ONLY SON, WHO IS THE SAME AS GOD AND AT THE FATHER’S SIDE, HE HAS MADE HIM KNOWN.” Aside from the aforequoted text, there are other Bible scriptures that mention “ONLY SON” which according to Christians Jesus Christ is the “ONLY SON”. But the true meaning of it is “ONLY SON IN EVERY SPECIFIC TIME”. For every right time that there is MESSIAH, he is automatically “ONLY SON”, because the Holy Bible does not say that there are two MESSIAHS at one specific time. All the MESSIAHS are called “ONLY SON”. That is why the spirit put in the 23rd spiritual division is the spirit for every MESSIAH called “God the Son” and Savior.
            24. MAGUB. – He is the one that stands as 3rd person of Holy Trinity as Holy Spirit. He has the role of implementing everything that should happen especially during this time because through his power all the promises of Infinite God will be fulfilled. An example to this is the separation of belief of the people. While it is true that the people believe that there is God, yet their forms and systems of belief and worship vary despite only one Holy Bible is used as basis for their dream and aspiration of attaining salvation. The big question is: Why are their Biblical interpretation and vision vary from each other? The simple answer is that the spirit of truth that was promised by the Lord Jesus Christ is not in them or with them. Written in Romans 10:13-15 of the Holy Bible, we read: about the true MESSIAH: “EVERYONE WHO CALLS OUT TO THE LORD FOR HELP WILL BE SAVED. BUT HOW CAN THEY CALL TO HIM FOR HELP IF THEY HAVE NOT BELIEVED? AND HOW CAN THEY HEAR IF THE MESSAGE IS NOT PROCLAIMED? AND HOW CAN THE MESSAGE BE PROCLAIMED IF THE MESSENGERS ARE NOT SENT OUT? AS THE SCRIPTURES SAYS, “HOW WONDERFUL IS THE COMING OF MESSENGERS WHO BRING GOOD NEWS!” Under this verse, it is so clear that the TRUE MESSIAH (CHRIST) is the only one who can give the exact ,message or explanation about God. During this time, there is trouble owing to the fact that many claim to be MESSIAH (CHRIST). The question is, who among them is the right person. Sad to say, TRUTH CAN NEVER BE DENIED.
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For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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