Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  16th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:48am (UTC)
(By Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(16th Series)
          In previous series, the story about God’s creation of the earth and all living things including trees and vegetations aside from His creation of sun, moon, the stars and all others was explained through both the esoteric and ecclesiastical knowledge of God.
          In the Holy Bible, written are the names of God’s Messengers. They are from Adam, Noah, Abram, Jacob, Moses, King David, King Solomon and several others up to the time of Jesus Christ and also his servant John who wrote the last part of the Holy Bible, the Book of Revelation in testimony to everything he saw – that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. All of those God’s Messengers were in possession of the Two Knowledge of God, the hidden (esoteric) and the open (ecclesiastical).
          During Adam’s time, he had the capacity to talk to trees and plants and also the animals under his core. He had God’s blessing to have such kind of knowledge. The same is true during Moses time. We can find in the Holy bible the five (5) books written by Moses considered his ecclesiastical knowledge. These are the Book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
          Other than those, there are five (5) books that were not written in the Holy Bible. They are the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. Happy are those who are able to discover them because in them are written Moses’ unique and extraordinary esoteric power like the division of the water in the Red sea, his staff was turned to snake and many other miracles.
          King David, during his time, have gone through many tribal wars and have won all of them. Thousands upon thousands of his enemies have died while none of his men died or were wounded in battles. Those who have knowledge about the esoteric power of God, believe that King David has taught his men the use of hidden knowledge or power used for self defense in battles which is better known today as “amulet”. King David had also esoteric words he used to win or magnetize the hearts of multiple women. The Holy Bible shows that King David had a legal wife and ninety-nine (99) paramours or illegal wives. Also, King Solomon who was next to King David had 300 legal wives and 700 illegal wives according to the Bible.
          The Lord Jesus Christ’s miraculous deeds are written in the Bible, examples of them are: water which has turned into wine, the blind that saw, the deaf that heard and above all he brought the dead back to life. All of those miracles are testimonies that Jesus Christ was in possession of God’s hidden (esoteric) knowledge.
          The miracle happen through the use or by uttering LATIN words of God. Like Jesus Christ whose miraculous deed is written in the Bible wherein he brought a young girl back to life. In Mark 5:41, the Bible says: “HE TOOK HER BY THE HAND AND SAID TO HER: “TALITHA KOUM” (WHICH MEANS, “LITTLE GIRL, I SAY TO YOU, GET UP”). By those words alone, the young girl of 12 who has just died was back to life and stood up and walked around. At this, the people who witnessed were completely astonished.
          In the following series, more Open and Hidden Knowledge of Jesus Christ will be discussed. So, watch for more!!!
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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