(By Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(12th Series)
The Infinite God whispered to the right eye of the sun, which has the capacity to observe the whole world and its surrounding, with these words: “MIAC IBAAM AHAAM BAAB MAEMEAM LAUDEAM GRAGALIM SUM SEISTUM DEIXTUM MACICIM VIVIT DALIC CIRCUTEMAB LIOS SEIN MERNESGUE MILIM CERTASDAIXTENEG IMERMIT ISTUO RACTE LISEF MEISCULUM MISEIT ABOM CILLOS CREM LIGNUM ARTURMIG,” and the said right eye was given its name “RAYRAM”. Also, the Infinite God whispered to the left eye of the sun in order not to see and in order that the heat will just be enough for the whole world, with these words: “CHIUMESIT MORTIM EGO SUM.”
The sun was given its own independent access way to avoid sideswiping and/or hitting other creations in the outer space. The name of its access orbit way is MAAMAAM. Following this, the Infinite God baptized the sun with the name SOL MUNDI. In the eastern side of the sun, there are written words, BARBISOR BARMISOR BARTIMAR; in the western side are written: FORSOVERE FORDINTOR FACTUMERISE; in the northern side are written: ACDO ACRISDO ACTURISMO; and in the southern side are written: AMPILAM GUAM EXEMENERAO. Owing to the mysterious power of those words, people are able to create. Aside from those words, there are others that are written on the rays of the sun, “JIDA DEARLUM IVI SEAGAK MARTUMSELY BANMO LERJI MICIA IECAETAJUB ISLICAT SAJAS MICID RELICIO EDUKALIM IGSINATCIO EIJA,” and at the farthest point of the ray, there is written: “A UP SUM AM TREUM UP UM PISIC CRUSEM.” And on the light that comes from its eye, there is written: “RAYRAM MAHI ESTUBOR TAKRIS SINENAJ PAJAM EKLASTOGUE BENAMENTOMI.”
The entirety of the power of the sun that gives life to all those within its coverage and itself being the light Provider to the world and other creations of the Infinite God that gave praises and depended upon for light, heat and other powers necessary for creation. The Infinite God gave the sun its endless life with these words: “MAAMAAM AEVAESEEM MIMCUAM MITUAM MEISLAM.” Soon after the Infinite God was true creating the sun His name was “HICAAC.”
The Creation of the Stars
When the stars were created by the Infinite God, His name was HIMBODOA. During the early days when science was still so young, there were only more or less about 5,000 stars. But during the present time, it has been discovered that the stars are as many as the sand on the beaches. The book of Genesis 1:17-18 has this: “GOD SET THEM IN THE EXPANSE OF THE SKY TO GIVE LIGHT ON THE EARTH, TO GOVERN THE DAY AND THE NIGHT, AND TO SEPARATE LIGHT FROM DARKNESS.” AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.” The stars give light not only at night but also during day time but they are hardly visible because of sunlight.
The Infinite God uttered these words: “HUMBRE OHOS UNOMBRE BIRGARINULUSUS BIRSUS IMPOTER DISMUHO RAKSIDAMO UTARISCARUM INDEG RISTUSEGO SUM HIM DEUS.” Soon afterwards, there suddenly appeared in the outer space the stars but at that instance they had no light yet and were uncountable. God again said: “RIDSID DIISMELEC COMERISTIC HAGRUMAG MURHUM DEUS BINUFICATOR MUNDUM MALIME NAS PACCEE DUSTINURIMAM LAMACOSARDUM MUONDAAMILAC CARTHA,” and “TISPURO NUMETHO LAHUSTE BINACULITUAM HUMAM ACNA-EGNI TUNTUR A DEUS.” After this, there suddenly appeared light from the stars bearing so many different colors that bring beauty to the earth and the outer space, and at the present time and in the future, the stars will continue to give the whole universe their flowery light of so many different colors.
Like the Sun and the Moon, the Stars have also their own independent access way to avoid hitting each other in the galaxy, and this is their name, “KALINAMAAB.” In order that the light of the stars will reach the earth, God gave them power and this is what He said: “HARUMI BINIRICTUS SANPITUM HUCLIRITOS MUNDAMUS OJOS DEUS PICARUM HAAGRUM CUNAMITOM ENHINANDUM.”
(Watch for more! They are so rare to one’s life!)