Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  1st series - TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:48am (UTC)
(by Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(1st Series)
          A pleasant greeting to all subscribers and readers of Monitor Today (E-mail ad: monitor today – yahoo com.) GingoogCity, Mindanao, Philippines. For the first time, you shall be able to read a very rare revelation of stories and historic events wrapped with mysteries. This is purposely through wisdom in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus Christ which is difficult to openly discuss or explain why and how this writer was able to have this kind of learning or wisdom. He is so thankful to God that he has gotten into this rare heavenly opportunity.
          Here, we shall be able to know the two knowledge of God which constitute as one of the causes why people go into dispute in their belief and faith in one God. These two knowledge are currently used by many people but they do not fully understand them and they use these in many different wrong ways.
          In the whole world today, there are about twelve billions of population, and they are distributed among the many different ideologies and beliefs which originated only from five basic forms of belief and these are Christianism, Budhism, Sintoism, Hindoism and Muhamedanism. Of these five religions, Christianism is segmented into not less than twenty-two thousand groups with different systems of belief and different forms of worship to one God. Owing to this, debates grew and exist between each group and each claim that they are the true and genuine followers of God and unfortunately escalate to killings.
          The Philippines is a popularly known Christian country but the Filipinos are not united in their visions with certainty that there is only one God. They are not one in form despite within one sect and under only one Holy Bible. They conform to every traditional belief. Relatively, the Holy Bible has something to show wherein Jesus Christ (Mathew 25:32) said: “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE GATHERED BEFORE HIM” and based on this, it is not surprising why Christians are not united.
          Aside from this, there are Christians who do not use the Holy Bible but they do believe in God. Their belief in God is based only in hidden knowledge yet wrapped with mysterious events which no one can deny the evidential truth which is part of history of Hidden Knowledge.
          If we take a glance at the religion (Christianism) we are in since our birth, we will come to know that same is split into two Knowledge of God. These are: ECCLESIASTICAL and ESOTERIC. These two kind of knowledge are the Open and the Hidden which both came from God and have to be correlated in order for us to arrive at the peak of these knowledge.
          The ECCLESIASTICAL is an Open Knowledge which came from God, it being found in the Holy Bible and other reference books that teach material knowledge from priests; pastors; those that emanated from the doctrines spread by the Scribes and Pharisees; and the people who specialized in such learning and they are known as Theologians.
          The ESOTERIC is a Hidden Knowledge which likewise came from God. This is embodied in a specific book popularly known as Book of Nature which, according to the said book, was not done by human hands but purposely laid on the hands of those entrusted by God like those prophets whose names are written in the Holy Bible.
          Those who teach the Hidden Knowledge are called Maestro (Teacher) or Rabbi by their followers because in the early days only the prophets were the ones who had the capacity to teach the Hidden Knowledge. The experts who were called Theosophies or those experts in the cultism knowledge are considered by their followers or students as fanatics or cults, and those who study or in the study of cultism are considered fanatic believers.
          It is so rare to find persons who study both knowledge at the same time. Those who study Ecclesiastical Knowledge are objects or targets of slander while those who study both knowledge do believe in the Ecclesiastical Knowledge of God.
          Supposedly, every reliable person and qualified to teach others has two kinds of  knowledge of God. Jesus Christ himself had these two knowledge which angered the Scribes and Pharisees. Example: When Jesus Christ brought a dead back to life, he said: “TALITA KUMI” (Mark 5:41) and soon afterwards the 12-year old girl was back to her life. Aside from this, there were other deeds of Jesus Christ through the Esoteric Knowledge. Example: The blind that saw, the mute that spoke, the deaf that heard, and many more mysterious happenings which angered the people, to the extent of crucifying Him.
          Up to the present time, slanderous and belittling reactions are continuously aimed at people who study Ecclesiastical Knowledge and also people who are in custody of the Esoteric Knowledge are treated or considered as worthless persons.
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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look for Bro.DODONG, Bro. EDUARD, Bro. LANDO

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