Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  5th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:45am (UTC)
(by Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(5th Series)
            Holy Trinity (Santisima Trinidad) is not written in the Holy Bible. However, in Mathew 28:19, this is what Jesus Christ had said: “GO, THEN, TO ALL PEOPLES EVERYWHERE AND MAKE THEM MY DISCIPLES: BAPTIZE THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.” Under this verse, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to baptize the people in the name of the Holy Trinity but the Holy Bible is silent as to what are their names. In the Esoteric Knowledge, there are multiple names of the Three Persons, like: ARAM – name of the Father, AKDAM – son and AKSADAM – Holy Spirit; ADRA – Father, MADRA – Son and ADRADAM – Holy Spirit. Among the religious sects, they mention ALELUYA in praising and giving thanks to the Lord God. This word is just one of the many other names of Holy Trinity, and this was derived from AL EL UYA which means name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Owing to this, debates come into play among the religious sects and each of them have their own stand but up to this time the issue remains without final and exact answer. There are religious sects that believe in Holy Trinity while others do not. For those who believe, Holy Trinity is one God in Three Persons. Research will show that the so called Three Persons does not go beyond one person. There is only one son and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible does not say that there is person in God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. So, if we think of it brilliantly, Holy Trinity has only one person – Lord Jesus Christ. However, among the believers and followers in cultism, they believe that Holy Trinity are also god but not “Holy Trinity” but as close followers of God and they are god also. In the bible Psalms 136:2, we read: “GIVE THANKS TO THE GREATEST OF ALL “gods”; His love is eternal”. We can see that there is the word god written in small letters. These gods are the spirits that are close followers or Helpers of God in all His work including the Holy Spirit and also the persons on earth who are respected and recognized as god by their followers, like Moses, King David, King Solomon and several others. In Revelation 17:14, we read: “THEY WILL FIGHT AGAINST THE LAMB; BUT THE LAMB, TOGETHER WITH HIS CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS, WILL DEFEAT THEM, BECAUSE HE IS LORD OF “lords” AND KING OF “kings”. IT IS WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN LAW THAT GOD SAID, ‘you are ‘gods’. WE KNOW THAT WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS IS TRUE FOREVER; AND GOD CALLED THOSE PEOPLE ‘gods’, ALSO THE PEOPLE TO WHOM HIS MESSAGE WAS GIVEN.” Based on this, most believers in cultism believe that really there is only one “GOD”. However, there are many gods and goddesses like their own respective lord on earth to whom God entrusted His message. It started at this point when believers in cultism believe that their supreme leader or ruler is also god and no one can blame them.
            Additionally, it was written in Revelation 1:5 which reads: “AND FROM JESUS CHRIST, THE FAITHFUL WITNESS, THE FIRST-BORN SON, WHO WAS RAISED FROM DEATH AND WHO IS ALSO THE RULER OF THE “kings” OF THE WORLD”. It is clear that there is not one Lord alone and there is not one King alone, but there is only one KING and there is only one LORD on this earth. However, the said God of gods is no other than our beloved Father Infinite God, He who had no beginning and no determinate ending.
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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