Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  24th seies TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:52am (UTC)
The Two Knowledge of God
(24th Series)
          When Jesus was exactly 13 years old, Arkangel Gabriel again appeared before Joseph in his dream and was told this: “Joseph, it is very necessary that the boy should learn to knowledge that he must know. It is almost time for him to begin doing the mission given him by his Father in Heaven. Bring him to the Middle East outside Israel. In that place, there is a man who is so faithful to God. Leave the boy to him there for him to learn many things.
                   Not long afterwards, Joseph obeyed what the Angel has said. Joseph brought Jesus to the place pointed or referred to him. Upon arrival thereat, they came to know a man who was very well verse of the commandments of God especially the hidden knowledge of God. This man was the first man to write the life history of Jesus which we read in the bible. He is no other than Mathew or Saint Mathew in other Books.
          Mathew was a leader of a small organization. Like Joseph, he taught his people the hidden knowledge of God. He was trusted by God in many hidden things (knowledge). Jesus learned many things from Mathew. Mathew and Jesus became very close to each other.
          Mathew taught Jesus the origin of God’s power. It is recalled that in the early series of this revelation, we learned that God, before He created heaven and earth and many others, was alone and He felt so lonely. Owing to that condition, God medicated so deeply and soon afterwards there appeared five petals of flower on His right forehead. On every end of the petals, appeared letters which read “MARIA”. MARIA in Syrian dialect is Meriam which “flower” in Filipino language. Maria is not an ordinary flower both on earth and in heaven. In latin words, we read: “GUMAMELA CELIS MUNDUM ET CAELUM.”
                   Based on the story related by Mathew to Jesus, MARIA is the case of knowledge of God, the knowledge which is the origin of all knowledge of God. That is why MARIA is the sweetest to the Lord God. Also, until now there is a school in West Virginia (U.S.A.) named MERIAM COLLEGE OF MYSTERY where they teach how to make mysterious happenings and things.
          Another thing that Jesus has learned from Mathew is the story about the 10th planet which is DIES MUNDUS in latin words. In school, we have not learned that there is the 1-th planet. We learned the nine planets only. Today, we come to know that scientific learning wanted to erase in record the 9th. When this happens, only eight will be left to orbit around the sun including our planet earth. During the time of Jesus Christ, Mathew advanced the learning in the hidden knowledge. Accordingly, when God has not yet started doing anything, he used t o talk to MARIA. One time, God told Maria that he will go down to the most bottom to do something there. God told Maria to watch the case containing His power and knowledge and not to have it opened while He was away.
          So God left and went to the bottom of the endless outer space to make a world which He called AVIERNE in Latin words which is IMPIERNO in Filipino language. This means that IMPIERNO or AVIERNE was the first thing God has done before anything else. WATCH FOR MORE!!!
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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