Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  34th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:58am (UTC)
(34th Series)
          The whole Christiandom celebrate the Holy Week reminiscing the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ around 2000 years ago. The Christian believers who embrace the two knowledge of God (Open and Hidden) are one and united during this period.
          In celebrating this Holy Week, let us discuss the story in the Hidden Knowledge of God about the cross on which Jesus Christ was nailed on Mt.Calvary. This story started during the time of Adam, the first man created by God according to the Holy Bible.
          The first men on earth were Adam and Eve. God allowed them to live in a place called paradise, where in the beginning they had no sensual feeling. However, because of sin after having been tempted, they were commanded by God to leave paradise.
          They went away from that place where they had no sickness and pains. They lived in a place along with hardships and difficulties. They lived through their toils and sweats for living. They bore two (2) sons – Kain and Abel. On account of envy, Kain killed Abel. Kain left and went far away because he committed sin to the Lord.
          Adan and Eve felt terrible sorrows owing to what had happened. They prayed hard to God to have children and this was heard by the Lord. One of their children was named Set. Set helped spouses Adam and Even in all their daily work.
          There came a time when Adam became sickly owing to his old age. He sent Set to get three leaves in paradise as medicine for his sickness. The name of the tree is DEGNUM CRUCIS. Nevertheless, Adam died at the age of 930 years.
          Adam was buried at the foot of Mt.Libano. (The name of the country Lebanon originated from it). While the grave of Adam was being prepared or dug, the Infinite God sent angel Gabriel to deliver a branch of the three DEGNUM CRUCIS to the grave site of Adam. This tree was the source of leaves taken by Set as medicine for his sick father. Set received the branch of DEGNUM CRUCIS given her from Angel Gabriel and planted it near the head side of her father in the grave yard.
          1,656 years have passed from the death of Adam when the time of Noe came. The whole world was flooded for 150 days. At that time, only the family of Noe was left alive. The tree DEGNUM CRUCIS continued to grow big and bloomy and stronger until many years have passed.
          Many years have passed until the time of King Solomon. The King thought of building a temple as his adoration place, including his followers. He ordered his men to fell the DEGNUM CRUCIS to be used as posts of the temple to be erected.
          However, the wood was not used because of mis-measurement, God’s reason to be so may be because the tree was not for the purpose of building a temple.
          The King decided to throw the wood into the AdriaticOcean. By-and-by after the wood was thrown into the sea, the people were so astonished for what had taken place. In just a wink of an eye, the wood disappeared and was not seen anymore in the area. The people left the place with wondrous feelings resulting from what they have experienced. WATCH FOR MORE ! ! !
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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