Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  22th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:33am (UTC)
The Two Knowledge of God
(By Dodong Baguiz)
(22nd Series)
          During the birth of Jesus Christ, in the East which is far away from Jerusalem, there lived the three kings. They had the wisdom and with deep knowledge about the hidden knowledge of God and each had their individual organization. As organization leaders, they taught their members about the hidden knowledge entrusted to them by the Lord.
          These three kings had their organizations located in different places. One night these three kings saw a new star that shone with very delighting light very much different from others. Through the hidden knowledge, these three kings perceived that the star they saw was a sign that the Mesiah of the whole world was born. Soon afterwards, they rode on camel and they brought their individual offering. To their surprise, they met on the way because of the star that each of them followed. When they arrived in Jerusalem, the star that they followed suddenly disappeared.
          They asked every person they met as to the whereabouts of the newborn king of Judea. King Herod came to know about what the three kings had said, and he was worried about the fact that there was a king that will overthrow his kingdom.
          King Herod called for a meeting all the Pharisees and King Herod asked them where the new Mesiah was born. They told him that the new Mesiah was born in the town of Bethlehem. King Herod caused to call the three kings and told them to go on with their journey to look for the newborn king and told them to let him know right away because he wanted to visit the newborn king and give him an offering, but in his inner desire was not to pay homage or worship the child but have him killed.
          The three kings left Jerusalem and again they saw the guiding star up to the entrance of the cave where the Mesiah was. They got near the infant child and knelt in worship and presented their gift of gold, myrrh and incense.
          On that evening, while the three kings were fast asleep. God told them in their dream not to go back to King Herod to tell him where the child was. In obedience, the three kings passed another way in their return home to avoid being seen by King Herod.
          Meanwhile, King Herod was so confident about the return to him of the three kings. However, King Herod’s long wait turned into anger because the three kings finally did not show up. Owing to that, King Herod ordered his solders to kill all the small boys in Bethlehem aged two years and below and by this, the newborn Jesus would also be killed.
          The solders left to carry out or implement the “heartless” and unreasonable king. They unmercilessly killed the sinless children.
          King Herod’s solders were not able to kill Jesus Christ because on the night before, Arcangel Gabriel appeared before Joseph and told him to bring the newborn baby and his mother to Egypt because King Herod wanted that the newborn boy be killed. Joseph got up and prepared to leave for Egypt. But before the Angel left, there were divine words left by him to Joseph to avoid the enemies. These are: “INSDUM INDUSUM PUCHAN PUSHAN GATFAEL GATSALIA TRAETE VIVAT DEUS SPIRITO SANCTO LUMEN CRISTE SANCTE DEUS MEDROAM LIENO ACO BERE REY DEL CIELO Y TIERRA SALVATORUM”. By this, Jesus was saved from the order and desire of King Herod to have all the very young boys in Bethlehem killed. WATCH FOR MORE!
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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look for Bro.DODONG, Bro. EDUARD, Bro. LANDO

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