Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  21th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:48am (UTC)
(By Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
 (21st Series)
                   While Joseph and Mary were in hiding for fear that the soldiers who killed the ESSENNE people, Arcangel Gabriel appeared before Mary and told her that her cousin Isabel will soon become pregnant ahead of her, and despite Isabel’s old age she will give birth to a baby boy and shall be called John (John the Baptist). On that night, Arc Angel Gabriel greeted Mary with the following divine words: “AVE MARIA GRACIAS PLENA DOMINUS TECUM” which means “HAIL MARY, FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH YOU.” This greeting of Arc Angel and Isabel formed part of the prayer HAIL MARY while the latter parts were added by the Christian churches.
          Joseph and Mary then prepared to go in hiding, passing through mountains and hills in their journey until they reached the house of Isabel who was also hiding because at that time she was a member of the organization ESSENNE.
          Isabel was so triumphant and full of happiness upon seeing them because she knew that the Mesiah was in the womb of Mary. Isabel greeted Mary with the following divine latin words which she learned from their former organization ESSENNE, “BENEDICTATU IN MULIERIBUS ET BENEDICTUS FRUCTUS VEN TRIS TUI JESUS” which means BLESSED ART THOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB JESUS.” Isabel added: “Who am I to be visited by the mother of my Lord”? Spouses Joseph and Mary stayed with Isabel in her house for a period of three years. Joseph and Mary left and lived in Nazareth after Isabel gave birth to John.
          There came a time for Mary to give birth already. At that time the whole world was ruled by Roman Emperor Augusto Cezar, and included under his leadership were the hires of Judah. The emperor ordered that all these under his leadership must register for him to know their number. Joseph and Mary belonged to the tribe of King David t hat is why they registered in Bethlehem.
          It was winter during that time. Joseph and Mary journeyed for three days before they reached Bethlehem at night time. They found no house to stay in because the houses were full of other persons. They continued going around to look for a place to rest until they saw a cave which served as resting place for tamed animals. Joseph and Mary stayed there to spend the night.
          At midnight, Mary woke up because she felt pregnancy pain in her womb and then she gave birth to a baby boy Jesus. It was a too cold night and the newborn baby cried so loud. Mary wrapped the child with thick cloth and laid the baby on the straw in the manger of cows.
          In the middle of that too cold and silent night, no one knew the very important and wondrous happening. On the hills outside Bethlehem, there were shepherds who were watching and tending their sheeps. Suddenly there appeared bright light of multiple colors and then an angel appeared before the aforesaid shepherds. They were so afraid but the angel told them not to be scared because the angel had an important message.
          The angel said to them: “Go to Bethlehem because Christ the Lord was already born. Pay him a visit there on a manger of the cows.” Aside from that event, the shepherds heard many different voices in praising the Lord God. The shepherds visited the infant Jesus and they were the first ones to witness many different miracles made by God during the birth of Jesus Christ. WATCH FOR MORE!
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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look for Bro.DODONG, Bro. EDUARD, Bro. LANDO

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