Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  23th series TWO KNOWLEDGE OFGOD 03/09/2025 3:02am (UTC)
The Two Knowledge of God
(23rd Series)
          When Jesus was only three years old, Joseph started teaching him the hidden knowledge of the Lord. He was first taught this prayer: “SPIRITUS SANCTI SALVATOR SAR MUNDI ECAM PATER DEUS AECAM ASTROS DEL MUNDO VAECAM SALVAME ELUM JUB ELIM JUCAC ENJEDRET VAITO SPIRITO SANCTI SALVAME VERAGA HECOA QUE HE OC ECAM VAICAM AEICAM ADONAY SANCTI EVE SALVAME.” That was the first prayer known by Jesus.
          While Jesus was growing up, he learned more hidden knowledge from his father Joseph, including self discipline.
          When Jesus was already twelve years old, he was brought by Joseph and Mary to Jerusalem to attend the fiesta. At that time all the Judes who had time and opportunity went yearly to Jerusalem for fiesta dedicated to celebrate the freedom of the Israelites from the enslaving custody or hands of the Egyptians.
          After Christmas, Joseph and Mary went back to Nazareth. They were with many of their relatives and friends. While walking, they were confident that Jesus was among the several others but when the night came, Jesus did not arrive home and he was nowhere to be found. They were in search for him and asked all their companions but not one of them saw Jesus. Jesus’ parents were troubled and bothered so much. So they went back to Jerusalem. They looked for Jesus for two days in Jerusalem but were in vain. On the3rd day, Joseph and Mary entered a temple to pray. There they saw Jesus in the company of the wise men and scholars who were all teachers and whose responsibility was to study laws and teach them to the people. The said teachers were all praises to the kind of questions asked them by Jesus and they could hardly believe that despite his age of twelve, Jesus was already in possession of such kind of knowledge, but it was not known to them (wise men) that Jesus had known hidden knowledge which he learned from his father Joseph. The following were the divine words used by Jesus while having discussions with the wise men or the Judah teachers: ‘ISEM IBAM ILAUM.”
          Joseph and Mary became extremely happy upon seeing Jesus, and because of that, Mary uttered: “DEUS MEUS JEOS JUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JERUSALEM and Mary got near Jesus and in very low voice, politely said: “SON, WHY DID YOU LEAVE US, WE WERE SO SAD AND IN GRIEF.” Jesus answered like this to his mother: WHY DID YOU LOOK FOR ME, DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT I HAVE COME TO FULFILL THE COMMAND OF MY FATHER?”
          At the age of twelve years, Jesus begum talking or speaking in his being Son of God. However, this was not given attention to by his parents and kept it from the knowledge of others because they knew before hand that would be the beginning their son’s Calvary.
          After that, the story about Jesus is lost or not found in the Bible. Beginning at the age of thirteen years until the age of thirty years, there was no biblical account of the life of Jesus. Wise men and scholars were/are in search of the truth about this but they were/are in vain because the story was purposely kept because there is a specific right time that such will be made known to the whole Christiandom.
          In the succeeding series, the account of the 18 years of Jesus’ life story which is not told in the Bible will be discussed. WATCH FOR MORE!
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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