Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  29th series of TWO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 03/09/2025 2:52am (UTC)
(29TH Series)
          After the five-year stay of Jesus in Tibetan Monastery, he proceeded to India and while there, he studied one kind of learning both esoteric and open knowledge called in India as BUDHARMA, a kind of knowledge that originated from Hindoism belief. Jesus was known in India by the name VIKATA until the present time.
          BUDHARMA is learned by a certain group under the Hindoism that believed in the Hidden Knowledge of God. It was taught to their members for them to use as their spiritual defense from bad attacks and in their aim to spread the Hindoism religion not only in India but also in the whole world.
          Knowledge in karate, kung fu and other martial arts in Japan and china originated from BUDHARMA. In the early period, Indians had their strong belief in God through Hindoism. They wanted to spread this religion not only to the Indians but also throughout the world. They learned self-defense arts from others.
          Through BUDHARMA, they learned the habits and movements of animals, birds and insects in forest lands and were adopted by people who study BUDHARMA. During the present time, Kung Fu among the Chinese is patterned after the movements of animals which could be done through dancing motion among the martial arts students and experts.
          The Indians, while in forests, saw the movements of the animals and insects and made them as their martial arts rhythm. BUDHARMA people taught not only martial art but also amulet (charm against evil) which they learned from the sixth and seventh book of Moses. They preserved what they have learned and injected some ways and procedures and give them to their followers who spread them to their neighboring countries under the Hindoism doctrine.
          BUDHA who was identified as the prophet to the people who believed in Budhism was born from the group of Budharma. He was a rich man belonging to Budharma but he was a true believer in God. Budha went through trials by way of selling all his properties and gave them to the poor. Owing to this, God made him a prophet when up to the present time is believed in by the people under the Budhism religion.
          Clearly, Buddhism came from the religion Hindoism. When God commanded Budha, they separated and regrouped with their Budhism belief. Like Jesus Christ, He came from Judaism belief. But later, he separated from it and became Lord among the Christians.
          Also from Budhism, a group particularly in Japan separated and shifted to Sintoism belief. They glorify the Sun. The knowledge of the Japanese about karate are revisions only of the Budharma in India.
          Jesus Christ had learned many things after his five-year stay in India. After that, he went to an uncertain place or continent near the countries in the Middle East. There, he studied the doctrines and knowledge left by Ismael (son of Abraham by Jagar) which was the origin of religion Muhammedanism or Islam, through Prophet Muhammad.
          There were other places Jesus Christ had gone to. Among them was also an uncertain place in Asia where he studied an Eskaya Language. No one can be sure if this has some relations with the language Eskaya taught by Mariano “Anoy” Datahan in Bohol, Philippines some years ago.
          However, there is a strong possibility also that Jesus Christ had come to the Philippines during the time when Philippines had no name yet until the time when it was discovered by explorer Magallanes on March 16, 1521 A.D. WATCH FOR MORE! ! !
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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