Apocalypse International Ministry SEC Reg. No. NOCN200727911  
  13th series TWO KNWLEDGE OF GOD 01/22/2025 7:46am (UTC)
(by Dodong Baguiz)
The Two Knowledge of God
(13th Series)
          The stars were given complete power for them to be very attractive to all the creations which have heart. Their sparkling lights whisper to the loving heart in order to display the purest desire for true love. There in despair can suddenly became inspired and happy especially at the time when the stars are seen competing with each other with their very colorful light of brimming beauty, including the animals and birds in forests that sing in ecstasy while watching the extraordinary beauty which were created by no one other than the Lord God. Following are the words that make up the total power of the stars in heaven: “JENSI MATUBIC RICSALEI LIPTAC HANOTAC DEUSMISISERTUMI HAPER TANGLANAS ESOMIUS HIC RICTACABUS BUENATAOR LICTUSIBUS ESPIRITUS DEUS HACPAET JINJATOR PILISMIUS EGO SUM MONKAHIMUM.”                                                                           
The Fifth Day of Creation       
          On this day God created all the different kinds of fish and also the different species of birds. In Genesis 1:20-22, we read: “AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATER TEEM WITH LIVING CREATURES, AND LET BIRDS FLY ABOVE THE EARTH ACROSS THE EXPANSE OF THE SKY. So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving things with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, “BE FRUITFUL AND INCREASE IN NUMBER AND FILL THE WATER IN THE SEAS, AND LET THE BIRDS INCREASE ON THE EARTH.” God said when he created the fishes: “TEAC SINUAM ACTE CUM AVEURIM COMAETE GUIMAELES ACTE” – and there were fishes of different kinds in the seas and other bodies of water and they were given sense of feeling from dangers according to their scales, and God said: TAECATOR BINARATOR BIMSIPAC HALIMAS TUNIP HIC LAACATUM DEUS LUSTE BANUTE ESPAUSTAMAC LACUMI YUMERASI HIGLE.” In order that there shall be multiple kinds of fish, God said: “DEUS ESPIRITUS TUMACHUM EPTAAC CALSIGAM MUCTRILUS MUNARE BIGNE HUMPIS HAPOLA LACTAUM SINDUM MUNIT HAPLISUS TAMOMIUS.” God blessed the fish with these words in order to have fish in every body of water: “LUNATE GELIGITE ENMIPIT HISTOR CULAPITAEM MICRALGAUM MANOSTEL SIGNITUS HAUM DEUS.” And there appeared multiple fish of many different species all over the world.
          When God created the birds, he said: “AIE METUM RECTOR REBERATOR REYUM PICATOR ET SATOR.” Soon afterwards, there appeared so many birds flying, and god again said: “RICATUAM PERPETES HANPASIUSAL DEGLAMA DEUS TURISCOR CURITAB AC MENTELE LACAISE SILICRAP HAHIC NAEM DEUS.” After this, the birds were of different shapes, sizes, faces, color of feathers and also their vocal sounds. God blessed them to multiply and fill the earth, and again the Lord god said: “LIQUIS LEGUS TITUSIRUS HUNIT-HACAM PARCELISIMUM DEUS MACHAGIT GITANTILES UNATE BIRGAM LASUCRE TISHAMEL MIAMICURAL COORTIPAM EGO SUM MONTIHAMUR DEUS.” So Watch for MORE! ! !
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ISAIAH 37:32
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The Zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this

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